Based in Lander, WY - you trailer or I travel.
Flexible hours - schedule an appointment.
Based in Lander, WY - you trailer or I travel.


Dr. Lee Lofgren

Equine/Canine Chiropractor

I find that working on animals is similar to working on human babies and young children in that the animals coming to me are usually well-nourished, have a strong instinctual desire to be healthy (ie, want to get well), and respond in a timely manner to appropriate treatment. Of course, lack of a positive response leads to  discussion of other options such as further evaluation by the Veterinarian.

Dr. Lee Lofgren’s Experience

I salute and thank my mentors: the late Dr. Sharon Willoughby, DC, DVM founder of Options for Animals, Mr. Jim Masterson founder of The Masterson Method, and my friend Dr. David McClain, DC who got me started in this work when he called me up in 1990 and said, “Partner, I think you need to come see this,” and so I did …

If you want to schedule an appointment or just want to “Vet” me with any questions, you can certainly contact me on my cell phone (307) 714-1414.


  • B.S. Wildlife Biology – Colorado State University 1977
  • Doctorate of Chiropractic (DC) – Northwestern College of Chiropractic 1987 – licensed in WY, MT
  • Graduate of Options for Animals 2001 (chiropractic training for Chiropractors and Veterinarians with emphasis on equine and canine)
  • Utilizing the Masterson Method since 2013
Phone: 307-714-1414
Based in Lander, WY - you trailer or I travel.